The truth about travelers

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We have been called many things. Travelers, by default. But we like to be called nomads. Explorers. Vagabonds. Adventurers. Wayfarers. Modern gypsies. Wanderers. We’ve adopted them all. A growing breed of humans with restless feet and the inability to stay still, the inability to stay in one place.

That is who we are. And that’s just the gist of it.

We come from all walks of life, from bustling gray colored cities, sleepy beach towns, snow-covered metropolises, small villages nestled in between lush green mountains, we come from everywhere. But our inner gravity always brings us to the same place… the road.

We deem courage weighs more than money when it comes to travel. We’re not rich, not financially well-off and we don’t travel for luxury. Our money does not come from rich parents, trust funds, or whatever privileges you think we have in order to maintain a life of travel. We work hard, or work while we travel and save whatever means we make. We travel at the cost of sacrifices. We’re happy living with just barely enough as long as we’re on the road. This means that we have given up plenty of comforts for the sake of travel. We would rather choose a dorm bed in a cheap hostel, a couch, a hammock, a tent, or concrete floor. We’ve slept in night boats, century old huts, train stations, in bamboo huts with indigenous tribes, in a house built on stilts in shantytowns and god knows where else.

We have learned to live in depth without comforts. The uncomfortable becomes comfortable to us. Most of us don’t own homes, or if some of us do, they’re probably renting it out to use that money to travel & explore. We don’t spend our money lavishly on things we don’t need. We don’t buy many things, we don’t let things own us. We’ve learned that the less things we have, the better we live.

We feel the most alive when we’re out there. Living nomadically with nothing but our possessions in a backpack and moving as our only constant. Anything is possible when we are given a brand new day in a place we have never been as we surrender ourselves to the currents of the universe.

We are mesmerized by every culture. We act like sponges when we go to a new country we’ve never been to, we immerse ourselves into every experience and soak our souls with its depth. We believe that smiles are universal and no matter what language fills our ears, we can see people’s stories through a smile.

We’ve learned to not let small annoyances, adversities, and misadventures get the best of us and we don’t let it ruin our days. We believe that in any given moment, we have the choice to suffer from whatever problems come our way, or just simply accept it. We’ve grown to choose the latter. We’re not afraid of troubles coming our way even if we are traveling alone most of the time. We’ve learned to face our fears and unlearn them so we grace through our days with courage. No matter whatever fears people project on us, we smile and look right past it. We have learned that if we constantly keep a sunny disposition and keep our light bright then we won’t see the shadows.

We follow wherever the next sunrise and sunset takes us. We are guided by moon cycles and stardusts. We look up the the night sky, gaze up at the cosmos, and know that wherever we are and whoever we’re without, we are never really alone. And we are comforted by this very notion.

We have dedicated our hearts to the road. Even when we’re not on it we’re working to save up for our next trip, every time we hear an airplane, we look up, smile and imagine ourselves on it. We know that the day is coming soon, and we are fueled by that thought. We go to bookstores to browse through the travel section, pick out travel guides and sit there skimming through the pages and daydreaming about our future travels. Our minds constantly drift away to the next destination on our list. Our wanderlust is insatiable and even when we feel it’s slaked, it doesn’t take long at all until we’re hungry again. And we’re hungry all the time.

We travel not just to go, we travel to evolve. Embracing new experiences, endlessly changing horizons, and each brand new day as a way of living. We live for airports, planes, buses, boats, trains, road trips. We find clarity in the blur of the places zooming past us as we look through the window. This is our home. This will always be our home.

These are the stories we will tell people, the ones we love, the ones we just met, the ones who come and ago, the perfect strangers. We will keep showing the others that we were born wanderers, that wanderlust resides within every single one of us. And that no matter who we are, where we are, what we do, and what we have we can always choose to follow it.

We’re not saying that you should give up everything in your life this second, buy a ticket, and pack your backpack. Although you can if really want to, if everything inside of you is telling you to do so you should listen. But we’re saying that when you choose to strip away years of unnecessary baggage, you’ll find freedom. We’re not saying that you should take the risk and leap, then everything will always be peachy and perfect. It’s never like that. But what we’re saying is, you should allow yourself to be free. You should allow yourself to stand on the fringes of life, and dive into its alluring ambiguity. Even if it means facing your fears. Even if it means making sacrifices. Even if it means letting go of things you’ve held onto for so long. Even if it means having to let go of people you love. Even if it all terrifies you. We’re saying open yourself up to the world. Embrace all of its worth. Let its teachings seep into all that you are. When you do that, all your layers will peel off and you will discover your true self.

And so here’s the truth. We travel not just to travel and marvel at people, places, things. That’s not just it. That was never just it for us. We travel to learn, to experience, and to feel all the spectrums of being human in this world.

One day, when we are old with silver hair, freckles, creases, and laugh wrinkles from many years of wandering drenched under sunlight. Our children’s children will lay out with us under the stars by a campfire on a moonlit beach elsewhere. We will tell them stories of wild adventures, of lived dreams, of enchanting places, of conquered fears, of lessons that turned into gold, lessons that we’ve learned from the road, and a full life lived. Our journeys will inspire their own.

Our journey is our truth. It’s the truth that illuminates us, as we continue on where we thrive and wander, on the road we call our home.

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363 thoughts on “The truth about travelers

  1. Word! Then again, you may find yourself old and wrinkled and still traveling. As a very wise man once told me in his southern drawl, “What else is they”?

  2. Having done a lot of traveling when I was younger, hitch hiking, moped 4000 km, busses, trains, and boats in some of europe, north africa,southeast asia and India, I can say that the time spent is about finding yourself, gaining strength, escape from the voices that say you are supposed to do something that somehow you find you are unable to do at the time (school , uninspiring job etc). It is also about finding out the world isn’t as scary as we think and people can be beautiful. We can glorify the experience, and it is an adventure, but ultimately it flattens out. Ultimately, it will be time to contribute to the world in a helpful way. Perhaps that means going back to school at the right time so that you can give back to the world. I wouldn’t necessarily glorify traveling on the cheap and mooching off of peoples good will-something I saw a lot of when I was traveling.Met some people who measured their travel time in years but somehow without work of any sort, and not because of wealth . Sometimes we need a really good vacation after having gone to school for so long. I do intend to do more traveling in the future. Expensive traveling tends to isolate you from experience. That said, it is good to be safe, protect yourself from bugs and dangerous situations. I turned down a 10 cent sleeping space in Marakesh Morroco with a bunch of other men sleeping on the floor. Spent 30 cents to share a room with two other westerners in a hotel instead. In west Africa, I always had a mosquito net tent as I always do now no matter where I go. Also, I eat pro biopics and have water purification system.
    I travelled on 2-3 dollars a day ( the book Europe on $5 dollars a day was popular -or was it ten dollars a day?), when it was possible to do that, so I know what cheap traveling can be. The trip had inspiration and depression but ultimately it gave me a lot of confidence about handling myself in the world.It taught me patience, something we always have to learn more about. It bought me some time to think about what I was supposed to do in the world or at least what the next step was. It took the pressure off making decisions about what I was supposed to do in life.Traveling can teach you a lot and can let you hide from doing what you need to do too.
    I recommend it!

    • I really loved reading your comment; that is exactly what I hope for in the future. In the meantime, thank you so much for sharing your experiences and fueling my dreams a little more.
      I hope you live that out again if that is what calls you, and if not, I hope you find your happiness whatever you do. Thank you

  3. I LOVE THIS PART : We travel to learn, to experience, and to feel all the spectrums of being human in this world. …..this is exactly how i feel about travelling, the benefit of soaking into a deeper level of experience and shattering preconceived stereotypes, opinions, prejudice, concepts, ideas about other cultures, places and people. travelling is the best education there is!

  4. Just noticed you didn’t get your funding. Best idea is to get a job , save a few thousand and go off on your journey. With a digital camera you can still put your dream book together inexpensively. Enjoy your trip. I think you are trying too hard to justify it by saying how hard you are going to work. Enjoy yourself and have fun without guilt. It is a vacation and an adventure worth going on. You might link your trip to visiting various aid organizations helping with different kinds of projects that might be of interest to you.
    I meant to write probiotics in my last message. It will help keep you from getting sick.
    I admire your spirit. Be safe.

    • Thanks Mark. I have been working two day jobs, along with doing freelance gigs as a writer and photographer, and working on the blog at the moment. Saving a few thousand then I’m off to vagabond, freelance and pick up odd jobs on the road for the next two years. I’ll do whatever it takes to create the book. Cheers.

  5. Pingback: modi di essere | giolic

  6. Thank you for this amazing post and inspiring music. While reading this I was going through lots of emotions and memories from my travels. Keep on inspiring and let’s continue gathering stamps on our passports! 🙂

  7. True and as a traveler I can definitely relate with every words other people misunderstood why I invest so much in travelling and no matter what the world is our home.

  8. THIS IS AMAZING! Absolutely amazing! Oh my goodness, I can’t wait until I’m back out adventuring, meeting and discovering. Anticipation at it’s finest. Thank you for your inspiring words, they make me feel so at home and put that smile back on my face when I’m reminded this is who I am!

  9. Word! Thank you for this inspiring post. I just launched my own blog. We are taking it a little further and make a professional series about us “modern nomads”. We are on the road in South India right now and it may take a while until you see the results, but we will have the first episodes ready in summer. If you are interested please subscribe to our blog or youtube channel where you will see it all.

    If you, reading this, are currently traveling in South India, write us – we love to share your stories. See you on the train.

    • Sweet, I’ll check it out. This reminds me of Jack’s Gap and their Rickshaw Run across India, if you haven’t seen it you should really watch their series. Thank you!

  10. I love your posts, they are such an inspiration for me! I wish I could break free and discover everything the world has to offer but time is holding me back 😦 And when I say time, I mean age. I’m 16 now, how old where you exactly when you first traveled alone?

    • One possibility of travel while you are still in school might be an exchange program. I lived in Japan for a year when I was 16, and it was an experience that changed my life. I yearned to travel before, but that year opened up a whole new world. Safe travels, wherever they may lead you!

    • Thank you! Don’t let age hold you back, I’ve known quite a few people who started traveling alone as teenagers. It’s all in courage and perception. You can start small by traveling somewhere within your country alone, then you’ll gain more courage to travel alone in a country by yourself. When I wasn’t ready to travel alone in a different country, I started by traveling alone in cities I’ve never been and I eventually gained the courage to take the leap 🙂

  11. Beautifully put! You’ve successfully summed up what many of us wanderers feel and sometimes try to express, usually less eloquently. With no “home” in the traditional sense, we feel most at home with constant change. Let’s all keep dipping in and soaking it up!

  12. Reblogged this on epycnecessary and commented:
    “We don’t spend our money lavishly on things we don’t need. We don’t buy many things, we don’t let things own us. We’ve learned that the less things we have, the better we live.” – quoted from the post.

    I have always wanted to travel, it is a must for me before i kick the bucket. I’d only traveled out of my country once, i went to Hat Yai, Thailand. It was quite an excursion, i enjoyed every minute spent. I wish to travel more, i know i will, someday. I hope that i would not be the kind of person who will stay in the office to work and work and work. I do not wish for things to own me, I do not wish to be a materialistic person. I wish to be free and happy.

  13. “every time we hear an airplane, we look up, smile and imagine ourselves on it.”
    Did it all the time even if the plane is hidden in the clouds I will wait for it until it shows up.

  14. “We’ve learned to not let small annoyances, adversities, and misadventures get the best of us and we don’t let it ruin our days. We believe that in any given moment, we have the choice to suffer from whatever problems come our way, or just simply accept it. We’ve grown to choose the latter. We’re not afraid of troubles coming our way even if we are traveling alone most of the time. We’ve learned to face our fears and unlearn them so we grace through our days with courage. No matter whatever fears people project on us, we smile and look right past it. We have learned that if we constantly keep a sunny disposition and keep our light bright then we won’t see the shadows.”
    THIS. You summed it up perfectly. Learning that all we can control is ourselves is the key to the greatest power and freedom. I´m learning it more every day. Your posts always hit a chord, keep creating!

  15. Beautiful. Im determined to spend time traveling at some point. After or during uni as a year out. Its incredible to think of all the people to meet and culture to experience. Excited much!!

  16. Loved your post – travelling changes your life and gives you the courage to love yourself on your own and to chase your dreams. Only other travellers understand the love of that feeling when you are sitting on a bus or a plane or a train going somewhere you have never been before and you have captured that feeling! What a change it has on your perception of the earth and the people in it. I hope to travel for the rest of my life and have HUGE bucket list that is filled with places I have to go before I die! I hope you get to go to all the places you want to.

    THIS: “We look up the night sky, gaze up at the cosmos, and know that wherever we are and whoever we’re without, we are never really alone.” I particularly love and it makes me think of something I wrote sitting on a beach on my own in Port Douglas, Australia. Feel free to check it out.

    We are Divine My Universe and I

    • Wow. I just read it. It was so beautiful it made me cry. I feel the same way all the time. Whenever things are off balance, the day isn’t going very well, and adversities come by, I just let it float to remind myself that there is always peace and contentment within me. That the universe is within all of us, and that we are all diving creatures flowing in the vast sea of the universe, of infinity. Everything is always in its perfect place.

      Thanks for the beautiful read.

      • Glad you enjoyed it. I think I went a long time in life before I ever felt it and now I always know what to do if I need to remind myself. I hope everyone gets to experience that feeling and great to share with people that know it! Thank you x

  17. This is an amazing article! You really connect well with your readers and I love how you started out with something unique like music to begin the article. Great work and keep it up! 🙂

  18. Pingback: Condividi da WordPress | Il diario di Veronica

  19. I love this, it encompasses the word Wanderlust, and definitely puts into words the feeling a traveling nomad has when discovering new places. Whether it’s a hidden park in the local neighborhood or rice fields in India, the traveler always sees an adventure in everything, and their willing to go for it. Reach for the stars, and grab what they want for themselves, then go back and share their stories so that they can hopefully convince others to do the same.

  20. I dream of travelling.. Unfortunately with a physical disability I have to rely on other people a lot and can’t just go travelling.. One day though I will get better. I will be healthy again and I will see the world.
    St Augustine — ‘The world is a book, and those who don’t travel only read one page.’

  21. I logged on to WordPress looking specifically for this post without knowing what I was looking for. It may seem like another simple comment or reader but stumbling across this is confirmation that I cannot be satisfied in one place. Some thrive by taking root, some by taking flight

  22. this is beautiful and exactly how i feel about traveling. i have never allowed myself to go, but just recently decided i finally would this summer. i still hve to work out the details but your post just reassured me that i have made the right decision. i’m so excited. i can’t wait to make it work!

  23. This is a beautifully written piece. While I think that there is plenty of adventure to be found without leaving the country – perhaps to be found in simply leaving your comfort zone – I do think there is a specific kind of person who is always restless, always wandering…and not just while they’re young. I think you articulated this point of view very well. Thanks!

    Flux: Encountering Adulthood

  24. ~ This is a refreshing read! Who knows we’d bump into our own travels? Nah, hahaha. I am a fellow nomad and I find comfort and fun while traveling – alone or with friends! Btw, congrats on being FP! Cheers! 🙂 – Bliss, The Lurker’s List

  25. If our life is the Hero’s/Heroine’s Journey (see Joseph Campbell), it becomes so much easier to understand life as an adventure when we are on the road. Ultimately, though, we have to come Home (to ourselves) and digest the lessons from the journey and pass them on to those left behind.

  26. It’s good but I don’t like the way you say “we” like you are all part of some same-thinking movement or religion, Just that little detail makes me back away and head back to my own personal road.

  27. This is what I want from life….ahh so much. If only I didn’t take out a darn loan…it’s like that quote about the birds that could fly anywhere but choose to live and die in the same place.

  28. Lovely piece — and I do look up at every passing airplane and wonder. (Have you seen the amazing app that tracks all commercial flights? Very very cool. My 84 yr old Dad flew to Hong Kong from Canada last year and we could watch his flight over the North Pole.)

    I traveled alone for four months when I was 22. Life-changing. No one can understand it until they, too, have cut the ties that bind (and boy, do they) for a decent amount of time. I remember those days as if it were yesterday — not 30+ years ago — and loved all of them, even being alone and ill (and strangers were very kind to me.)

    I think the best experience, esp, for women traveling safely alone, is coming back to “normal life” knowing that the world is filled with kindness, not “foreigners” — and realizing WE are foreign to 99% of the world.

    This year, after far too many years of an unused passport, I go to Nicaragua (for work) next month and, possibly, back to Australia this summer (also for work.) As a freelancer, I create my own adventures. Travel, the sort you describe, encourages that sort of thinking.

    • Hi Caitlin, which app are you referring to? Would love to check it out! I agree with everything you said. People don’t know the true impact traveling alone until they experience it themselves. It makes you realize that we are much more interconnected than we will ever know and that the world has so much to teach us if we just leap into it with open arms.

      I’m excited for you and your new adventures! I’m leaving to start a new journey vagabonding around Asia and Australia starting in Bali at the end of June. I’ll be freelancing as well, currently still working on finding ways to make money online so I can travel and work freely anywhere in the world. I believe great opportunities will come and I’m excited to see what’s in store.

      Thank you for sharing your journey love, I hope to see you on the road.

      • The app is called Flight Radar 24, my husband tells me. It’s a lot of fun.

        No vagabonding for me, but trips skedded to Nicaragua and possibly Australia and possibly Germany, all on someone else’s dime. That’s the tricky part!

  29. Great thoughts and philosophy! I have been a traveller all my life. I was more of a nomad when I was younger but now I have a home and family in Johannesburg that is a hub. I still travel outwards when my work as an author, journalist and filmmaker calls, but I have so many rich memories of my nomad years that never fade!

  30. Amazing post – this is every reason why I have decided to quit life and head off into the great unknown next year with no plans to return. Bring on the adventures and I can’t wait to become this person.

  31. Its a wonderful word isn’t it to travel around. It takes a lot to be out of the nest hope everyone could have been that free. Its up to us I know still it takes a lot from you…….really hope to be that free wow it would be so beautiful 🙂 😉

  32. That so moving, so poignant. Add in the great ambience of the music while reading and it really hits home. Great post, you hit everything on the head on why I’ve worked so hard to allow myself the opportunity to wander.

  33. very well work done…keep going…i liked it…its a nice…as am a new blogger in this world and i wrote just 1 blog ( and unable to find my viewer (38 viewers in 2 days) like you, can u please help me by reading my 1st blog what wrong with my writing…is really something wrong with my writing or am just expecting too early…your helpful suggestions will really inspire me…

  34. I have more the feeling that you tend to describe yourself in a way you want others to see you, than that you are really describing “us” “travelers” or “wandering gypsies” (real gypsies would be laughing their ass off 😛 ). A bit narcissistic if you ask me. Please do not see it as an insult.

    • Don’t take this article the wrong way. This post was inspired by the misconceptions and assumptions that I keep hearing & reading about travelers. I wrote it because I want to express the truth about the wanderlust life. Written through how us travelers have lived or are living. For people to understand, to be inspired, to be reminded, to be illuminated. Simple as that.

  35. I absolutely loved this! I’m leaving for a 2 year trip in Europe backpacking/working this July! Your words couldn’t be more true!

  36. beautiful. i’m so glad i happened upon this. i traveled abroad only once — a month in costa rica. i envy the US citizens working at the little bars I came across. it will be me one day.

  37. I loved it! Thank you for these words, sentences, that breaks through any walls of pessimism, empowers to seek for more and to be brave to follow the dreams.

  38. I pressed play. I read on. “Letting go of things you’ve held onto for so long”. Your post made me feel very immersed into the life and decision of a traveler. I felt free. Thanks x

  39. I don’t know who you are but I love you. Thank for sharing this.
    It’s amazing how you manage to connect with a random stranger with a set of words.

  40. Reblogged this on Mental Flowers and commented:
    A very interesting read about traveling and those who find joy in the exploration of new spaces, to the point of what others may see as “sacrificing” other things that bring us happiness (a large house, giant movie collection, etc.).

  41. I love your blog, and I find it truly inspiring and motivational. There are some things however that I find hard to grasp. When I went traveling around Europe, friends told me that I could find jobs along the way. Paid under the table of course. So that reassured me considering I might’ve run out of money while abroad. So when I was traveling,I of course ran out of money and decided to come home and make some more instead of finding odd jobs in different countries. My question is . How do you? I never got that impression that I could. This may be a silly question and perhaps an obvious one, but I probably would’ve been able to stay longer if I did find random jobs.

    I suppose I just want to know from you, or other travellers on this blog, how they found jobs traveling in different countries not speaking the language?
    Was it connections? Or do you ask around? Are there specific universal jobs that typically do hire travellers that I am un aware of? I don’t Know. But I would like to find out!!

    Maybe you could do a blog post on it?! Or recommend any blogs that do address this issue?!

    THANKS! xxx

  42. Reblogged this on Glory Wanderer and commented:
    Incredibly inspiring and very true 🙂 wonderfully written…you loose yourself to your imagination thinking of what it’s like to live like that. I hope to stay true to much of what you have written here in my upcoming travels

  43. And we travel because we feel at home miles and miles away, because our homes are in our hearts and in everywhere we go. We travel because we need to meet people who seem familiar, like we knew them from a very long time ago, even though we look so different and have trouble pronouncing each other’s names. Travel is not all about exploring a new place and having a new adventure all the time, it sometimes really feels like a reunion with people and places we seem to already know. 🙂

  44. Reblogged this on A Novice and commented:
    “We live for airports, planes, buses, boats, trains, road trips.”

    I have always found transit to be the time I have to myself. It is as though you exist but no one really notices you, so you can explore freely and endlessly until the world urges you to move on.

  45. woow…this is soo inspiring…. I would love to abandon everything and keep travelling… but the material world is what keeps me tied down…hope some day i can break free to experience the world out there… till then will continue with the small vaccation.

  46. GL
    Well said… It’s starts in our minds and translates in reality when we hit the road. I love to go to places I’ve never been before and I always live where I’ve never lived.
    That sense of adventure is there daily and it’s good to read from those like you who
    can express it in such fine words. Excellent writer that you are on the road.

  47. You are such a fantastic writer. I love your blog! I am so glad that you found my blog and began following me, because it led me to your writing! In this post, you have very aptly and succinctly described so many feelings I have had as a traveler, that often are hard to describe to someone who has never felt the life high of traveling and connecting with the world around us. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us all! I can’t wait for more 🙂


  48. Pingback: The truth about travelers | brainstrome

  49. Pingback: The truth about travelers | Utkarsh Blog

  50. Wow this brought tears in my eyes – exactly what I needed this morning as I’ve been anxious and sort of fearful. It’s because I want to live free and be free. Thank you!

  51. Pingback: kaetravels

  52. Pingback: La verdad sobre los viajeros | diyhazlotumismo

  53. Your words capture the spirit. The spirit is what captures us, and puts us on the road. The destination is less important than the path we are on. We are travelers.

  54. I love how there is a network of kindred nomadic spirits out there. This spoke to me. Planning my travels is what gets me through my last year of uni. Please check out my blog, I just started it yesterday! Thanks for this post!

  55. “We travel not just to go, we travel to evolve. Embracing new experiences, endlessly changing horizons, and each brand new day as a way of living.”

    This summed traveling up so well. Evolving and finding yourself in the process, in my opinion, is the most important thing in traveling but they’re also things many travelers disregard or forget to think about. Well, we’re all different and have our own motives and opinions.

  56. The only reason my husband and I settled down was because we started a family. We still get that itch to go. We dream a lot. I have no doubts that when the last child grows up, we will be travelers again. I miss it. I miss the adventure. It was replaced with something wonderful though.

  57. I’ve been living abroad for 7 years now–and I feel like you describe “wanderlust” so perfectly. I work abroad and stay in one place for a year or so before moving to another and wander a bit inbetween. I don’t know how I will ever be able to go back…or if I want to. There is something so giving about the world when you are exploring it that you miss so much when you settle down in one place.

    Great post. Really got me thinking!

  58. Pingback: Alien sightings in Roswell, New Mexico « Little Alaska Shack

  59. Pingback: The truth about travelers | Chimerical Chicanery

  60. “We travel to learn, to experience, and to feel all the spectrums of being human in this world.”

    WOW! Travel is indeed about feeling all the spectrums of being human… from the nitty gritty parts of traveling to the moments that make you pause and think to yourself “This is what it’s all about.” Traveling helps make us all more human!

  61. Holy moly, what an ode to travel and life in general, absolutely mind-blowing! There was a wee firework in my head while reading and the soundscapes just carried me away like a wee paper boat by the waves, marvellous…
    Thank you so much for this “overdose” of inspiration and keep up at it! Btw, the visuals on your blog and the overall look and feel are amazing too!!
    Take care and keep on keeping on… Cheers, Oliver

  62. Sartori,
    Thanks for expressing and sharing in such beautiful words these thoughts and feelings that I always felt but could never express so wonderfully. Reading your blog makes me dream of my next trips. Enjoy the journeys and the destinations and hope our paths will cross one day.



  63. What a lovely piece of writing. Sometimes we are lucky to travel as you have described, going wherever life takes us, sometimes we have to fit it in whilst working and find a two-week road trip to slake that travel thirst, sometimes we can’t afford to go anywhere, so start to explore our own neighbourhood. But you are so right when you say wanderlust is insatiable and travelling is just something that some of us just can’t get enough of.

    I wish you many happy travels on a road that goes ever on…
    Jude xx

  64. I really enjoy reading this. It made me smile the whole time because is so true to me. Traveling has become my life. I’m a female tor leader and I’ve been leading trips for a small groups travel adventure company in South America for the past 3 years now I come from a very conservative family from a very conservative peruvian society where traveling is a privilege.and leaving my home and everything that was known for me has been both the hardest and the best decision I’ve did. Made me mature and responsible and I learned so much about myself and my beautiful part of the world but the most rewarding is helping others to travel and help them step out of their comfort zone, connect people to each other and with the locals, with the culture and environment.
    Great article.

  65. Having already traveled over 50,000 miles since January 1st, I have to congratulate you for capturing the mentality and motivations of anyone who loves to travel in the most eloquent way. I don’t think anyone could have written it any better.

  66. Thank you for putting into words what I haven’t been able to yet. I honestly can’t tell you how perfect this was, and have shared it with all of my travel friends, as well as printing it out to stick to my bedroom mirror 🙂 happy travels everyone xoxo

  67. Pingback: The truth about travelers | Frankie Rose McKenzie

  68. I loved this article! I have not yet done a lot of travelling, but have always wanted to. Upon reading this I got shivers down my spine, and a smile spanned across my face from ear to ear. It’s inspiring, and exciting. I look forward to starting my adventures.

    • I agree with the pleasure and happiness people experience by traveling.. “They” say they like the word “nomads”, but most/much shows that they are traveling for spiritual/religious experience as well as, out of the comfort zones. This really usually mean that people from conservative families or people who seldom travel beyond 2 week tourism. Are you the same as people who travel and after a few years, decide to stay somewhere.

      My point. People who were more than usually controlled by the beliefs and life choices for their parents or local religions and beliefs. Try this… instead of going on about how great this all is… go back home and see what happens if you confront people with your new-found freedom. Also, what you are doing is worshiping your own choices. A form of eilteism. You don’t see it but people who travel and shut-up about it are different than people who write about it. One person who is a tour guide feel the same as you do, but has nothing to do with your concepts. She gets paid and leads others. I am sure she identifies with you goals and shares a lot of what you think/feel.

      I would like to make a blog about people who never when shopping and listen to how free and wonderfully spiritual it is to go to A&P or Wal-mart and have the freedom to buy the candy they always wanted to buy, but their mother wouldn’t let them have or people who escape from prison talk about how walking down the street is a “Ballet of Freedom”… When we tell people who we are and what we do, we are also showing our past stupidities and cowardices and how we show how we have changed or?.. and make it into a religion… That is the problem.. we have to comfirm our choices by writing books and making groups and organizations to get: Attention, Control, Respect.

      Think about it this way, when you tell someone something most people know as a fact and because of ignorance or lack of experience or their age don’t know the info.. They seldom say, “Oh really, wow” they say, “I never heard of that.” I answer with, “It is so nice of you to admit your ignorance.” Then they get annoyed.

      Freedom given by others is one form, freedom taken is another, but the the most important freedom is not only the freedom from the thoughts and control of others… The final freedom is to see we all have the same form of “Personal Fascism” our own built-in “Tyranny” to be what you are. I gotta be me… means you really have no choice.from our own controls also come from someone else. A dumb child with their own need and controls… Us? Ourselves. Have you ever really tried to do something you don’t want to do… Go where you don’t want to go… Can you drag yourself kicking and screaming out of your own comfort zone instead of exploiting your need to feel like you are more free than others and our way is great. Always are the same… Self-serving, Control of self and others.

      I will tell you how I see things. Everybody knows how smart they are, no one knows how dumb they are. It is not they they are dumb, but that we all are dumber than we think we are.

      Nothing has changed for centuries. The fact that, “People want three thing: Attention, Control, Respect.” Today “Attention” has over taken and ruled.

      I Want to Be Free From Me.


      Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 04:10:53 +0000 To:

  69. This is a great read. I always think that humans made so much of the Earth home by getting up exploring, making new climates home. The reasons why we do it now may change, but I wonder if the natural urge, which so powerfully makes many of us want to explore, must somehow be chemically innate? As you say, we set a lot aside to be able to do so.

  70. You have managed to elegantly capture the very essence of who I am…who we all are (the travelers). I could never put that into words, so bravo. Well done 🙂

  71. Pingback: sunday surfing | passports & visa

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  73. Pingback: The truth about travelers | Wanderlust Soul

  74. I hope one day to have that sort of courage…to leave the baggage of my life behind and just travel with the bare necessities. I don’t know if I ever will have enough courage to do that but I like to think that someday this will be possible and I will be able to understand the pleasures of traveling in this way. Great post, very inspiring!

  75. Hi, thank you so much for this text!

    It scored me! I had some tears in the end !!
    I’m a french traveler and I want to tell you that I translated your text in french on my own travel blog (with a link to yours of course).
    This great travel message will be also heard and share in another language now! 😉

    Thanks again ! You found the greats words to describe what we are and what we are all searching for!!! Thanks again!


  76. Pingback: What’s inspired me this week | The Little Backpacker

  77. Very nice piece, but the same question I ask of everyone then, is what do you give back? Ti is wonderful to make your own way peacefully through the planet, but even greater to help other make their way too.

  78. As much as the whole entirety of the words in this post has touched my heart and given my feelings and yearnings to express them reality and definition and tangibility now, for which I am so grateful for!!!, The following quote has touched me the most – “We find clarity in the blur of the places zooming past us as we look through the window. This is our home. This will always be our home.” This reminds me of taking trains and looking out the window, especially in Europe 🙂 Thank you so much for this beautiful post! So glad I found your blog, you are an endless source of inspiration and wonder!!

  79. Pingback: The truth about travelers | Amandalinh

  80. This post is painful. Most privileged travelers (those whose passports allow them to travel freely to over 150 countries) congratulate themselves too much saying they can travel the world because they made courageous choices and simplified their lives.

    Sorry to burst your bubble but these paths of “sacrifice” that you speak of are still luxurious to third world citizens like me whose passports only allow travel to a few nearby or war-torn countries and wages not enough for a plane ticket. And these humbling CHOICES you speak of like shantytowns or sleeping in concrete floors are DEFAULT to most people in countries like mine. Yet why am I still unable to experience this oh so wild and enchanting freedom you do? You have given up plenty of comfort so you can travel? We have no comfort to give up. No comfort for nothing. As foreign “adventurers” soak up the sun in our beaches with a drink in hand, our poor locals could only look on as they are stuck with the daily grind.

    How easy it is to say everyone can travel.. to repeat that if one really wants it, there’s no excuse…to insist that anything is possible…Hey-you-enlightened-and-aware-individual-because-you’ve-been-to-a-lot-of-places-and-therefore-are-the-ultimate-authority-on-human-experience, tell these catchphrases to a Filipino tricycle driver, janitor, or security guard who make less than $8 a day and can’t even afford to enjoy their own country’s Palawan or Boracay. Well, unless you were only talking about people with the same odds as you.

    Yes you made choices allowing you to live a life of adventure but that is only made possible by pure luck on your part for being born in a favorable country. Some acknowledgement of this huge gap between us and you lucky travelers would be nice. Imagine burning wanderlust without the means to quench it then ask yourself if this kind of uncomfortable will still be comfortable to you. Don’t say that privilege isn’t a factor. To deny that is just plain ignorance and insensitivity which contradicts your purpose of traveling to “feel all the spectrums of being human in this world”.

  81. I agree with the previous comment. By living with fewer comforts you don’t necessarily get out of your comfort zone. You only highlighted one way of passing international borders. A guide to the whole spectrum of traveloptions would be nice, this seems too dreamy. I had the pleasure of working entry level menial jobs overseas with people from developping countries, plenty of them had travelled but travel for the sake of travel seemed ridiculous to them.

  82. While this piece is very well written from a creative perspective, I couldn’t disagree more with much of the content. I’ve travelled extensively and worked in International Development since 2008. The only article I’ve read recently that perfectly captures how my thoughts and emotions have evolved during these past 6 years of location independence – and those of many of my long-term travelling friends – is that recently published by Mark Manson:

  83. Thank you so much for writing this and sharing your life.
    My girlfriend Corey and I are currently in the planning stages to move into an RV and travel the US with our 3 year old. This article and your story inspire us.

    Your story is an inspiration! If you google Quigago you can probably find our story.

    Thank you again!

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  86. Pingback: The Truth About Travelers | Arts and Cultural Travel

  87. Pingback: The truth about travelers | chantananana

  88. Pingback: The truth about travelers | Tarts & Travels

  89. “We act like sponges when we go to a new country we’ve never been to, we immerse ourselves into every experience and soak our souls with its depth.”

    I have never read anything as beautiful as this. Thank you for reminding me why we are doing this and why it is so worth it!

  90. OMG I love this!!!!!!!! especially your other post about travel, i feel so stuck so naive..never have i felt such a strong desire of wanderlust, thank you for giving me hope and courage you are amazeballs!!!!!!!

  91. Awesome writing here and so true! Every nomad can relate and I just wow’d in every sentence! I ‘ve been stuck in home and not able to hit the road for more than a year, so I have terribly itchy feet for some wandering….

  92. So imma do all duture traveler’s a huge favor. My company just gave me 10 more FREE PREFERRED MEMBERS slots. I work for Rovia we have been voted the best online booking site in the world for the past 3 years running!. That fact is mainly to 2 exclusive features that were once only accessible to those who bought memberships. WELL NOW. I can give em to you free…all you do is sign up. Thr first feature is our best price guarantee…find the same flight hotel car or cruise for less…the same day as your booking with us and get 150% of the difference…that’s right 150%.(proof required) So you find a deal for 20$ less you’ll get reimbursed 30$ for your next trip. The second and most incredible feature RATE SHRINKER. It is as cool and obvious as it sounds. If the price of something you booked…flight hotel car or cruise… goes down, Rovia automatically re books you at the lower cost and refunds you the difference…all the way up until your check in!!(cancellation fees may apply…E.i if a flight has a cancellation fee of 30$ and the price drops by 40$…you will be refunded 10$ as the other 30 went to the fee. If the price dropped less than 30 there would be no rebooking)…..all you have to do is go to it has to be from a computer to register but once registered you can log in and book from mobile devices and tablets. So go to in the top corner you should see. Link that says register and from there you can be a preferred member for going to my employee page. And its ABSOLUTELY FREE.
    Once you’re registered you can just go to and log in with what ever password you made and book all your travel needs just like Travelocity or Expedia except you get to enjoy those exclusive features…safe travels i hope to save you thousands ( the member ship can definitely save you thousands…contact me for more info on that as it does cost but it’s way worth it.)

  93. Amazing perspective with lot of depth in those words. Its all about knowing what you love and if you don’t then making those efforts to find your ultimate goal and discovering your soul !!!

  94. Pingback: The truth about travelers | I have this thing with stories.

  95. Sounds great, for you. What about the cheats and hustlers. I had a “traveler” girlfriend… I kissed her the first time and she said, “If my fater found out he would beat me.” She told me that it was, “Us against them”. I know how so many people are against your people and I am sorry for that but, as Mark Twain said: “You don’t have to tell me about the color of a person’s skin or their race or creed, just tell me that they are human and that is bad enough.” I have gotten screwed around (Nothing really bad.) by many people who went to church every day and talked about God and Jesus but, if you have a problem with them, you become the devil and they have an excuse not to pay you what they owe or, whatever.Everybody has excuses for whatever they do. The only hope is that they see what they are and regret it later in life but, what I see is that they talk about their “mistakes” and use it to make them look/sound like nice people. A guy who broke into my apartment and stole my
    TV, Hi-Fi and $200, called me a yera later saying he was in a program and said, “I am really sorry”. I asked him if I could get the TV and Hi-Fi back he said he already sold them. I asked for $300 to cover it all. He hung up. The mistake I made was not to ask which program he was in and call them to tell them that it was a great program for them and the, “Thief” but, not much for me. I know that most of your people/all people are good and honest people but…

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